经济学人 | 全球富豪为何热衷于移民意大利?

原标题:经济学人 | 全球富豪为何热衷于移民意大利?



A flat-tax scheme is luring the wealthy to Italy


Many are Britons fleeing Brexit



But a small number of very rich people—ultra-high-net-worth individuals, in the jargon of private offices and estate agents—are living the Italian dream while paying what, for them, are modest taxes. Several hundred belong to a scheme in which they pay an annual €100,000, plus €25,000 for each member of their family.


The flat rates, which apply only to non-Italian income, are valid for 15 years. After that, unless the programme is renewed, its beneficiaries will become subject to Italy’s normal regime. Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese football star, is said to be among those who have made use of the scheme. In 2018, the year after it came into force, he surprised the footballing world by transferring to an Italian side, Juventus.


Introduced by Matteo Renzi’s centre-left administration, the programme is one of several southern European ploys to lure wealthy foreigners. Some have proved intensely controversial. On October 20th, the European Commission opened infringement procedures against Cyprus and Malta over their investor citizenship schemes, after two Cypriot parliamentarians were filmed agreeing to the issue of a passport for a fictitious Chinese person with a money-laundering conviction.


Last year Greece brought in a scheme which, like Italy’s, involves a €100,000 flat tax, but requires applicants to invest €500,000 in Greek assets and spend half the year in the country. Portugal cast its net wider with a ten-year tax holiday on foreign-sourced income aimed at luring retired people. But after protests from some in the EU the government tightened the rules this year, making the unearned income of new arrivals subject to a 10% levy.


Italy also runs programmes for the less well-heeled: incentives to lure back highly qualified Italian expatriates and a 7% tax over six years on the pension and investment income of foreigners who settle in the poorer south of the country in towns of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants.


“The flat-tax scheme is not just an isolated measure, but part of a trend,” says Giulia Cipollini of Withers Studio Legale, a law firm in Milan. In 2019 Italy approved 421 flat-tax applications, against 264 the previous year. “Britain is the jurisdiction from which the largest number of people have relocated,” she says.

米兰威瑟斯律师事务所的茱莉亚·西波利尼说:“定额税制不仅仅是一项孤立的举措,也是一种趋势。” 2019年,意大利批准了421份定额税申请,而前一年为264份。她说:“来自英国的申请者最多。”

Some are Britons fleeing Brexit. Others are citizens of third countries who had been enrolled in Britain’s “non-dom” scheme. Savouring an insalata caprese in a posh restaurant in rural Tuscany, a French citizen cited one of the Italian scheme’s lesser-known provisions: exemption from gift and inheritance taxes. “That, for most of us, is the reason for switching,” he says.


Whether he and others like him will benefit Italy in the long run will depend on how much of their wealth trickles down to the rest of the population. But they are already having an effect: booking private jets for long weekends in Sicily, mooring their super-yachts in Italian marinas, restoring Florentine palazzi to their former glory and hosting inspirational events for young entrepreneurs. As an Italian proverb has it, amor fa molto; il denaro fa tutto —love does much; money does everything.

从长远来看,这位法国人以及像他这样的人是否有益于意大利,将取决于他们的财富有多少能惠及其他人。但他们已经产生了影响:预订私人飞机在西西里度过长假,把他们的超级游艇停泊在意大利的码头上,恢复佛罗伦萨帕拉齐昔日的辉煌,为年轻企业家举办激动人心的活动。正如一句意大利谚语所言, amor fa molto; il denaro fa tutto (有爱者事多成;有钱者事竟成)。






作为欧洲民族及文化的摇篮,意大利不仅有着深厚的文化底蕴和宜居的气候,还有着高度发达的经济和优越完善的福利制度。但除了这些条件外,真正吸引全球 各国的富豪们移民意大利最重要的原因或许是其极具优惠的税收政策。


ravishing [ˈrævɪʃɪŋ] adj. 引人入胜的;令人陶醉的

jargon[ˈdʒɑːrɡən] n. 行话;术语

infringement [ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt] n. 侵犯;违反

expatriate [ˌeksˈpeɪtriət] v. 移居国外;流放 n. 侨民

jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃn] n. 司法权;管辖权

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